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Autobiography of a Yogi
Paramahansa YoganandaWie gefällt Ihnen dieses Buch?
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Autobiography of a Yogi is one of the best-selling spiritual biographies of all time. The book is not merely read?it is treasured and cherished by millions of spiritual seekers throughout the world. Now, for the first time, Paramhansa Yogananda's thrilling autobiography comes to new life in this beautiful full-color card deck & booklet. Each of the 52 cards feature an inspiring quotation taken from the text of the Original 1946 First Edition?the preferred edition for both enthusiasts and collectors. The flip-side of each card features photographs from the book, and also includes previously unreleased and rare photographs of Yogananda. For the first time, these famous images and quotations will be portable, ensuring their use by the great Master's followers in their homes, altars, journals, autos, and purses. The enclosed booklet will include a history of the book, additional information about the quotations and photographs, and include a user's guide for the card deck.
Content Type:
Yogoda Satsanga Society of India
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
PDF, 16.50 MB
Ihre Tags:
CID , CID Blake2b
hindi, 2005
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