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- रश्मिरथी Rashmirathi
रश्मिरथी Rashmirathi
रामधारी सिंह दिनकर Ramdhari Singh DinkarWie gefällt Ihnen dieses Buch?
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Rashmirathi (रश्मिरथी),
meaning 'the Sun's charioteer', is one of the most popular epic poems of
the great Hindi poet, Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar'. It is one of the most
appreciated works of Dinkar other than "Kurukshetra".
Karna was
first born son of Kunti whom she had abandoned at birth as he was an
illegitimate son. Karna grew up in a lowly family, yet became one of the
best warriors of his time. In the Great Mahabharata war, Karna was
obliged to fight from the side of Duryodhana as Duryodhana recognizing
his merits had made him a king and adopted him as a close friend. Karna
fighting from Kaurava's side was a great worry of Pandavas as he was
reputed to be unconquerable in war. The way Dinkar has presented the
story of Karna with all hues of human emotions trapped in moral
dilemmas, is simply marvelous. The rhythm and meter is lilting. Choice
of words and purity of language is exhilarating. The work has a timeless
relevance and is a must read.
meaning 'the Sun's charioteer', is one of the most popular epic poems of
the great Hindi poet, Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar'. It is one of the most
appreciated works of Dinkar other than "Kurukshetra".
Karna was
first born son of Kunti whom she had abandoned at birth as he was an
illegitimate son. Karna grew up in a lowly family, yet became one of the
best warriors of his time. In the Great Mahabharata war, Karna was
obliged to fight from the side of Duryodhana as Duryodhana recognizing
his merits had made him a king and adopted him as a close friend. Karna
fighting from Kaurava's side was a great worry of Pandavas as he was
reputed to be unconquerable in war. The way Dinkar has presented the
story of Karna with all hues of human emotions trapped in moral
dilemmas, is simply marvelous. The rhythm and meter is lilting. Choice
of words and purity of language is exhilarating. The work has a timeless
relevance and is a must read.
Content Type:
Lokbharti Prakshan
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
PDF, 956 KB
Ihre Tags:
CID , CID Blake2b
hindi, 1981
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